Yay! I've added pretty Sherbet-coloured social media icons to my blog at the side bar on the right, courtesy of Her New Leaf's Freebie Friday! Liking her Facebook page will entitle you to the other 2 exclusive colours, Poppy and Sherbet (I'm using this!).
While figuring out how to incorporate these cute little buttons into my blog, I have found out that saving your photos under the Public folder of Dropbox enables you to copy the public URLs. You may then use your images anywhere online which requires the image source, in my case, in the HTML code. You can do away with photo-hosting sites like Photobucket!
Anyway, just to rant a little before I head for bed, despite the efficiency of the US embassy in approving my US Visa (for my upcoming Summer Programme at Yale University in July), receiving the Visa today and seeing that my name has been printed in the wrong sequence has been extremely perplexing.
My full name is unique because my Christian name comes before my surname, then followed by my given Chinese name. When the application forms repeatedly reminded me to fill in my name identical to that on my passport, I was confused. For my name to be printed identical to that of my passport, I included my Christian name in the surname column as well. However, I have only found out very recently (if only it was a week earlier!) from a travel agent that the correct sequence of your name is reflected in the barcode at the bottom of your passport details page. And due to the silly act of mine, my name reflected in the barcode at the bottom of the Visa is different from that in my passport. That's it! I guess paying more can definitely get it rectified but I've had enough of paying for the exorbitant administrative fees! And so, I'm very troubled.
But at least I have some useful knowledge to share with you guys, that is, your details in the barcode at the bottom of your passport/VISA is what that matters. May this save you much hassle in the administrative matters when preparing for your travel!
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